
Diamond & CBN grinding wheel 전문 제조 업체 홍익다이아(주)


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Metal과 Resin의 복합 본드




  • Resin Bond

    Excellent grinding
    연삭 면 조도
    Surface roughness
    본드의 탄성
    Elastic of the bond
  • Metal Bond

    긴 수명
    Excellent wheel life
    내마모성 및 형상유지력
    Wear resistance & Sharp resistance
    지립 노출량
    Abrasive grain
    높은 내열성
    Thermal resistance

Resin(polyimide) / Hybrid test

Material Work piece Dimension Flute length Number of futes Coolant
Tungsten carbide End Mill fute D20 50 mm(Done in 1pass 4 Oil
D10 25 mm(Done in 1pass)
  Hybrid Resin Hybrid Resin
Dimension D20 D10
Wheel spec D125*10*10(#230) D125*10*10(#230) D150*5*5(#230) D150*5*5(#230)
Feed rate 80mm/min 40mm/min 110mm/min 80mm/min
Wheel speed 20m/s 20m/s 20m/s 20m/s
Time taken for futing 4 minute 20 seconds 8 minute 40 seconds 2 minute 7 seconds 3 minute 50 seconds

Applicable Machine : ANCA, WALTER, etc.

Test effect

  • Increase of the feed rate
  • Decrease in cycle time
  • High cost effciency
  • Excellent wheel life
  • Best product competitiveness
  • Increase of the productivity